Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Best Suited as a Lawyer

Not everyone can be a lawyer, just as not everyone would enjoy being a lawyer. Different people have different interests which can help them decide on a career which they will enjoy and which they will be successful.
In the case of a lawyer a person who would be best suited for this job would be interested in reading and researching, have strong communication skills, be comfortable speaking in front of others and enjoy interacting with people. People who enjoy stability and like having a job in demand. Lawyers must enjoy school, be highly motivated and have a passion for justice. People with these talents and personal qualities would enjoy the exciting career of law, and would quite likely be very successful as a lawyer.These qualities would help a lawyer perform duties such as reading court reports and evidence files, presenting cases convincingly and dealing with clients, judges and other lawyers. A passion for schooling would help lawyers through the necessary school involved and motivation would help a lawyer present a case to the best of their ability. Above all a passion for justice will make a person be a lawyer who truly enjoys what they do and feel as though they are making a difference.

Image Recieved from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhmqDeTX81b4Jwfv0XwHS-_vjJ6kUV3ZTBvggsHRUqu7Lol2jkBHto0TXB14lqxnY7RTP7FN9cMIXDlxyemHpowP-CrpO2Pmx0-e0io44Zc_NWVM5Xe18t4ls9cWlFMxC-7u9VjIMJ2IvYi/s1600-h/lawyer2.jpg

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